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вине крепост 12 реджион реингессен
As is known, the table of King Lev Danylovych was already served wine, which was made from grapes that grew around Lviv. His wife was the Hungarian princess Constantia, so we can assume that she joined the culture of winemaking in the vicinity of Lviv. Over time, Lviv grew as a cultural and political center, and with it, its vineyards. Thus, vineyards grew on the slopes of the High Castle, in Lychakov, Kulparkov, and above all in Vynnyky. In 1785, the German colony of Weinbergen, which translates as Wine Mountains, was founded near Vinniki. German colonists, having settled near Lviv, began to engage in viticulture. The main grape variety they cultivated was Rhine Riesling, brought by them from their homeland. Moving further south along the Dniester to the Mohyliv-Podilsky district, we can meet several more local grape varieties. And although these varieties are considered traditionally Moldovan, there is no doubt that they grew on both banks of the Dniester and not only on its Moldavian right bank. Ukrainian winemaking traditions are as old as the world. Although these traditions and technologies have survived many periods of decline, such as the Turkish rule in Podillya and other regions of Ukraine, or the Soviet era, when unique vineyards were destroyed in the mid-80s. Now the traditions of winemaking are being restored. Ukrainian wine-making and viticulture, regardless of complex social realities, is taking leaps and bounds through the thorns to the stars. New wines are emerging The area of Ukrainian vineyards is 4,000 times larger than that of Sweden and only 7 times smaller than that of France. Vikings have 30 hectares, so yes 30 hectares. We have about 120,000 hectares. Let's pay attention at least to the name of the town of Vinniki or the neighboring town of the German colony of Weinbergen (Wine Mountains), which already hints at a certain historical and cultural tradition of growing grapes in these regions.
По мне пьётся тяжело, наверное, надо разбавлять льдом или водой. ...
Дмитрий 07.01.2021
Лучший двенадцатилетний виски. Вкус мягкий, с приятной, не приторной сладостью. ...
Андрей 12.10.2022
Хорошее сбалансированное и зрелое вино с приятными нотами ванили и шоколада в бу ...
Маша 08.08.2022
Виски – крепкий алкогольный напиток с собственным характером. В составе присутствуют спирты ячменя, пшеницы или ржи. Производят также виски из кукурузы. Разнообразие видов и сортов огромное, так что в нем не трудно потеряться
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Каждый год 4 августа отмечают день рождения шампанского. В этот праздник принято открывать бутылку хорошего игристого и не спеша наслаждаться напитком
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ЧитатьМногие любители крепких напитков уверены, что виски или скотч нужно пить без закуски, не перебивая вкус напитка продуктами.