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вине крепост 13 реджион сент емилион
Moving a bit to the southeast, to Podillia, which is adjacent to Halychyna, you can find an even greater variety of local grape varieties. Only in one Zalishchytskyi district, in the interwar period, were seven autochthonous grape varieties from which wine was made. One of these varieties is called Kamianets (derived from Kamianets-Podilskyi). This variety is famous for the fact that both dry and dessert wines can be made from it, and it is almost insensitive to frost and diseases. In addition, the peculiarity of this variety is its vulnerability to noble rot, which makes it possible to make wines in the Tokai style. Останнім часом створюється дегустаційні зали, де знайомлять споживачів з гігієнічними, дієтичними, органолептичними, лікувальними властивостями вин. Це створює передумови для формування культури споживання, отримання радості і задоволення. Адже потрібно чимало знань, щоб скористатися красою й корисними властивостями цього неперевершеного древнього напою. Currently, Ukraine has acquired world significance in the field of winemaking. Ukrainian winemakers receive gold and silver awards, diplomas of international exhibitions. But, unfortunately, in recent years in Ukraine there has been a tendency to reduce the area of vine plantations and the deterioration of their quality.