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вине крепост 14 5 реджион джалисииа
In the autumn of 1844, the Main School of Horticulture was established in Odessa, the curriculum of which provided for the study of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking. In 1859 the school was transferred to Uman. At the suggestion of the school, the production of wine from fruits and berries was legalized. To obtain a must similar to grape must, the highly acidic juice was diluted with water to normal acidity. It should be noted that fruit and berry winemaking in Ukraine originates from Uman. At the beginning of the XX century. in the Uman School of Horticulture, a special course was taught "Processing fruits and berries into wine." The educational farm of the school produced several varieties of wine, which were in great demand. Graduates of the Uman School used the recipes of wines at their place of work. Moving further south along the Dniester to the Mohyliv-Podilsky district, we can meet several more local grape varieties. And although these varieties are considered traditionally Moldovan, there is no doubt that they grew on both banks of the Dniester and not only on its Moldavian right bank. Ukrainian winemaking traditions are as old as the world. Although these traditions and technologies have survived many periods of decline, such as the Turkish rule in Podillya and other regions of Ukraine, or the Soviet era, when unique vineyards were destroyed in the mid-80s. Now the traditions of winemaking are being restored. Ukrainian wine-making and viticulture, regardless of complex social realities, is taking leaps and bounds through the thorns to the stars. New wines are emerging Восени 1844 року в м. Одеса було створене Головне училище садівництва, навчальний план якого передбачав вивчення садівництва, виноградарства і виноробства. В 1859 році училище було переведено до Умані. За пропозицією училища було узаконено виробництво вина з плодів і ягід. Щоб отримати сусло подібне до виноградного високо кислий сік розбавляли водою до нормальної кислотності. Варто зауважити, що плодово-ягідне виноробство України бере свій початок з Умані. На початку ХХ ст. в Уманському училищі садівництва викладали спеціальний курс «Переробка плодів і ягід на вино». Навчальне господарство училища виготовляло декілька сортів вина, яке користувалося великим попитом. Випускники Уманського училища за місцем роботи застосовували рецептури вин.