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вине крепост 14 реджион алентежу
In general, German colonists, primarily Saxons, significantly contributed to the development of viticulture and winemaking in Ukraine. Such well-known wine-making centers as Bereghovo (Beregsas), Zalishchyki, Kamianets-Podilskyi had entire German quarters. In particular, 42 families of Saxon Germans were relocated to Kamianets-Podilskyi at the beginning of the 19th century, for the development of viticulture in the region. What can we say about Galicia, which the Germans began to colonize in 1773. In Lviv and its surroundings, wine was made not only from foreign grape varieties. One should also pay respect to indigenous (autochthonous) grape varieties, which were traditional for this region. Thus, the Dublyansky grape variety (derived from the name of the city of Dublyany) is a local variety of vitis vinifera. And it is quite possible that even the kings of Russia drank wine from it. Moreover, wines from this grape variety are gaining more and more popularity and take prizes at thematic competitions. Wine promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, organic acids and tannins are an aphrodisiac for the glands. Wine relieves mental tension and frees the gastrointestinal tract from spasm and makes it easier to digest food. Some wines contain substances that reduce the toxicity of ethyl alcohol and have an irreversible bactericidal effect. Studies have confirmed that the procyanidins contained in red wine help reduce the percentage of cholesterol in the blood, protect the body from a heart attack. Wine is created for human joy, for the joy of the heart. It is no coincidence that Jesus creates his first miracle, turning Galilean water into wine (New Testament) at weddings in Cana. In the autumn of 1844, the Main School of Horticulture was established in Odessa, the curriculum of which provided for the study of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking. In 1859 the school was transferred to Uman. At the suggestion of the school, the production of wine from fruits and berries was legalized. To obtain a must similar to grape must, the highly acidic juice was diluted with water to normal acidity. It should be noted that fruit and berry winemaking in Ukraine originates from Uman. At the beginning of the XX century. in the Uman School of Horticulture, a special course was taught "Processing fruits and berries into wine." The educational farm of the school produced several varieties of wine, which were in great demand. Graduates of the Uman School used the recipes of wines at their place of work.
По мне пьётся тяжело, наверное, надо разбавлять льдом или водой. ...
Дмитрий 07.01.2021
Лучший двенадцатилетний виски. Вкус мягкий, с приятной, не приторной сладостью. ...
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Хорошее сбалансированное и зрелое вино с приятными нотами ванили и шоколада в бу ...
Маша 08.08.2022
Виски – крепкий алкогольный напиток с собственным характером. В составе присутствуют спирты ячменя, пшеницы или ржи. Производят также виски из кукурузы. Разнообразие видов и сортов огромное, так что в нем не трудно потеряться
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