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вине производители алаверди крепост 12 5
The area of Ukrainian vineyards is 4,000 times larger than that of Sweden and only 7 times smaller than that of France. Vikings have 30 hectares, so yes 30 hectares. We have about 120,000 hectares. Let's pay attention at least to the name of the town of Vinniki or the neighboring town of the German colony of Weinbergen (Wine Mountains), which already hints at a certain historical and cultural tradition of growing grapes in these regions. Площадь украинских виноградников в 4000 раз больше шведских и всего в 7 раз меньше французских. У викингов гектаров 30, да так 30га. У нас же около 120 000 гектаров. Обратим внимание хотя бы название города Винники или соседней с городком немецкой колонии Вайнберген (Винные горы), что уже намекает нам на определенную историческую и культурную традицию выращивания винограда в этих краях. In 1804, the Sudak School was founded, and in 1812, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, which is associated with the development of viticulture and winemaking in Ukraine. At the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, a vine-production training and experimental demonstrative farm "Magarach" was organized, on the basis of which the Institute of Vine and Wine was created. In the Kherson province at the end of the 19th century, Prince Trubetskoy planted 200 acres of vine plantations on his estate in the village of Kazatskoye. At that time, several large vineyards and wineries were also created near Odessa and Nikolaev. In Odessa in 1905, V.E. Tairov organized a wine-making station (now the V.E. Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking).