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Wine promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, organic acids and tannins are an aphrodisiac for the glands. Wine relieves mental tension and frees the gastrointestinal tract from spasm and makes it easier to digest food. Some wines contain substances that reduce the toxicity of ethyl alcohol and have an irreversible bactericidal effect. Studies have confirmed that the procyanidins contained in red wine help reduce the percentage of cholesterol in the blood, protect the body from a heart attack. Wine is created for human joy, for the joy of the heart. It is no coincidence that Jesus creates his first miracle, turning Galilean water into wine (New Testament) at weddings in Cana. Неотложной задачей является дальнейшее уточнение плана сорторайонирования и производственной специализации виноделия. Необходимо выбирать наиболее перспективные сорта, учитывать их хозяйственную ценность, биологические особенности и пригодность к природно-климатическим условиям местности. The educational institution has developed and approved recipes for such fruit and berry wines: Blackcurrant sweet, Yoshta sweet, Sophia's Treasures, Sophia's stars Chudosad, Umanskoe velvet, Muscat aroma. Many of these wines received the highest awards, in particular, at the international Golden Griffin competition. By 1985, the area of vineyards in Ukraine amounted to 209 thousand hectares, and the gross grape harvest - 913 thousand tons. A modern processing base was created in Ukraine. As a result of the anti-alcohol campaign, significant losses were inflicted on the economy. Gross harvest of grapes decreased by 3-5 times. Fruit and berry winemaking was completely destroyed.