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вине производители иджнакио марин крепост 14
The history of wine is inseparable from the history of mankind. Wine is a special drink. Its value consists of two sources: berries that absorb solar energy and yeast cells - factories of many useful substances. This sunny drink contains a number of nutritious and biologically active substances useful for the human body, which include organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric, succinic, etc.) contained in wine in an easily digestible form, nitrogenous compounds: proteins, amino acids, coloring and phenolic substances, glycerin, sugar, pectin substances, very valuable macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, chromium, fluorine, iodine, arsenic, cobalt, etc. And this grape, which is important, was not imported by the Romans or Greeks, as in France or Germany. He was local and not wild but civilized. There is a wealth of archaeological and historical evidence for why. What's more, even before the Thracians, the people of Tripil knew how to make wine, and they, as is known, lived between the 5th and 3rd millennium BC. on the territory of modern Ukraine. So we are not Georgians, whose history of winemaking is about 8,000 years old. But we can say that when the ancestors of modern Germans or Frenchmen ran around the village with sticks to catch wild boar for dinner, our ancestors were already drinking wine in whitewashed houses. Which is very important. Because where there is a vineyard there is culture, there is no place for barbarism. В учебном заведении разработаны и утверждены рецептуры таких плодово-ягодных вин: Черносмородиновое сладкое, Сладкое из йошты, Сокровища Софии, Софиевские звезды Чудосад, Уманское бархатное, Мускатный аромат. Многие из этих вин получали самые высокие награды, в частности, на международном конкурсе Золотой Грифон. К 1985 площади виноградников Украины составляли 209 тыс. гектаров, а валовой сбор винограда - 913 тыс. тонн. В Украине была создана современная перерабатывающая база. В результате антиалкогольной компании были нанесены значительные потери экономике. Валовые сборы винограда снизились в 3-5 раз. Плодово-ягодное виноделие было полностью уничтожено.