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There is an expression in the Book of Genesis: "The grape is the tree of life." The first mention of the cultivation of grapes on the territory of Ukraine refers to the period VII-IV Art. BC Viticulture and winemaking developed around the ancient cities of Chersonese, Antikapeia, Tiritaki, Olbia in the territory of modern Nikolayevshchina. During the period of Kievan Rus, it is mentioned (Nikon's Chronicle of 1151) "Berendei and black hoods of the volost and poskosha grapes". Literary sources of the 6th century tell about the successful cultivation of grapes in the monastery gardens of Kyiv. In 1735, new vineyards were planted in Kyiv on the slopes of the Dnieper, and in 1758 - next to the Klovsky Palace, where in a few years there were about 30,000 bushes. Перемістившись дещо на південний схід, у сусіднє з Галичиною Поділля, можна зустріти ще більше розмаїття місцевих сортів винограду. Тільки в одному Заліщицькому району, у міжвоєнний період, було описано АЖ сім автохтонних сортів винограду з яких робили вино. Один з цих сортів називається Кам’янець (похідне від Кам’янець-Подільський). Славиться цей сорт тим, що з нього можна виготовляти як сухі так і десертні вина, і він майже не чутливий до морозів та хвороб. Крім того особливістю цього сорту є вразливість до благородної гнилі, що дає змогу виготовляти вина в токайському стилі. In the autumn of 1844, the Main School of Horticulture was established in Odessa, the curriculum of which provided for the study of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking. In 1859 the school was transferred to Uman. At the suggestion of the school, the production of wine from fruits and berries was legalized. To obtain a must similar to grape must, the highly acidic juice was diluted with water to normal acidity. It should be noted that fruit and berry winemaking in Ukraine originates from Uman. At the beginning of the XX century. in the Uman School of Horticulture, a special course was taught "Processing fruits and berries into wine." The educational farm of the school produced several varieties of wine, which were in great demand. Graduates of the Uman School used the recipes of wines at their place of work.