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вине виноджрад виура
В целом, структурная перестройка виноградарства Украины в перспективе требует реконструкции и частичной перезакладки насаждений столовых, ценных технических, красных и аборигенных сортов. Следует разработать и внедрить механизм снижения внепроизводственных затрат, элементами которых должны стать углубление интеграции производителей винограда, виноматериалов, готовой продукции и торговли. And this grape, which is important, was not imported by the Romans or Greeks, as in France or Germany. He was local and not wild but civilized. There is a wealth of archaeological and historical evidence for why. What's more, even before the Thracians, the people of Tripil knew how to make wine, and they, as is known, lived between the 5th and 3rd millennium BC. on the territory of modern Ukraine. So we are not Georgians, whose history of winemaking is about 8,000 years old. But we can say that when the ancestors of modern Germans or Frenchmen ran around the village with sticks to catch wild boar for dinner, our ancestors were already drinking wine in whitewashed houses. Which is very important. Because where there is a vineyard there is culture, there is no place for barbarism. In general, German colonists, primarily Saxons, significantly contributed to the development of viticulture and winemaking in Ukraine. Such well-known wine-making centers as Bereghovo (Beregsas), Zalishchyki, Kamianets-Podilskyi had entire German quarters. In particular, 42 families of Saxon Germans were relocated to Kamianets-Podilskyi at the beginning of the 19th century, for the development of viticulture in the region. What can we say about Galicia, which the Germans began to colonize in 1773. In Lviv and its surroundings, wine was made not only from foreign grape varieties. One should also pay respect to indigenous (autochthonous) grape varieties, which were traditional for this region. Thus, the Dublyansky grape variety (derived from the name of the city of Dublyany) is a local variety of vitis vinifera. And it is quite possible that even the kings of Russia drank wine from it. Moreover, wines from this grape variety are gaining more and more popularity and take prizes at thematic competitions.