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кгампаджне виноджрад джлера просекко реджион просекко ди конелиано валдобиадене
В 1804 году было основано Судакское училище, а в 1812 году Никитский ботанический сад, с которым связано развитие виноградарства и виноделия на Украине. При Никитском ботаническом саду было организовано виноградно-производственное обучающее и опытно-показательное хозяйство «Магарач», на базе которого создан Институт винограда и вина. В Херсонской губернии в конце XIX века князем Трубецким было заложено 200 десятин виноградных насаждений в своем имении в селе Казацкое. В то время также были созданы несколько крупных виноградно-винодельческих хозяйств под Одессой и Николаевом. В г. Одесса в 1905 году на общественные средства В.Е. Таировым была организована винодельческая станция (ныне институт виноградарства и виноделия им. В.Е. Таирова). Moving a bit to the southeast, to Podillia, which is adjacent to Halychyna, you can find an even greater variety of local grape varieties. Only in one Zalishchytskyi district, in the interwar period, were seven autochthonous grape varieties from which wine was made. One of these varieties is called Kamianets (derived from Kamianets-Podilskyi). This variety is famous for the fact that both dry and dessert wines can be made from it, and it is almost insensitive to frost and diseases. In addition, the peculiarity of this variety is its vulnerability to noble rot, which makes it possible to make wines in the Tokai style. There is an expression in the Book of Genesis: "The grape is the tree of life." The first mention of the cultivation of grapes on the territory of Ukraine refers to the period VII-IV Art. BC Viticulture and winemaking developed around the ancient cities of Chersonese, Antikapeia, Tiritaki, Olbia in the territory of modern Nikolayevshchina. During the period of Kievan Rus, it is mentioned (Nikon's Chronicle of 1151) "Berendei and black hoods of the volost and poskosha grapes". Literary sources of the 6th century tell about the successful cultivation of grapes in the monastery gardens of Kyiv. In 1735, new vineyards were planted in Kyiv on the slopes of the Dnieper, and in 1758 - next to the Klovsky Palace, where in a few years there were about 30,000 bushes.