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вине квет белое реджион сараджоса
История виноделия в Украине насчитывает по меньшей мере 4.5 тысячи лет, а по всей вероятности и значительно больше. На берегах Днестра виноделием занимались уже тогда, когда о французском виноградарстве еще никто не слышал, а до возникновения Римской империи оставалось около тысячи лет. Племена фракийцев, проживавших в начале 2 тысячелетия до нашей эры на берегах Днестра, уже владели культурой выращивания винограда и изготовления вина. The area of Ukrainian vineyards is 4,000 times larger than that of Sweden and only 7 times smaller than that of France. Vikings have 30 hectares, so yes 30 hectares. We have about 120,000 hectares. Let's pay attention at least to the name of the town of Vinniki or the neighboring town of the German colony of Weinbergen (Wine Mountains), which already hints at a certain historical and cultural tradition of growing grapes in these regions. Moving further south along the Dniester to the Mohyliv-Podilsky district, we can meet several more local grape varieties. And although these varieties are considered traditionally Moldovan, there is no doubt that they grew on both banks of the Dniester and not only on its Moldavian right bank. Ukrainian winemaking traditions are as old as the world. Although these traditions and technologies have survived many periods of decline, such as the Turkish rule in Podillya and other regions of Ukraine, or the Soviet era, when unique vineyards were destroyed in the mid-80s. Now the traditions of winemaking are being restored. Ukrainian wine-making and viticulture, regardless of complex social realities, is taking leaps and bounds through the thorns to the stars. New wines are emerging