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вине обем 0 75 л виноджрад джорули мкване
Wine promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, organic acids and tannins are an aphrodisiac for the glands. Wine relieves mental tension and frees the gastrointestinal tract from spasm and makes it easier to digest food. Some wines contain substances that reduce the toxicity of ethyl alcohol and have an irreversible bactericidal effect. Studies have confirmed that the procyanidins contained in red wine help reduce the percentage of cholesterol in the blood, protect the body from a heart attack. Wine is created for human joy, for the joy of the heart. It is no coincidence that Jesus creates his first miracle, turning Galilean water into wine (New Testament) at weddings in Cana. Переместившись на юго-восток, в соседнее с Галицией Подолье, можно встретить еще большее разнообразие местных сортов винограда. Только в одном Залещицком районе, в межвоенный период, было описано АЖ семь автохтонных сортов винограда, из которых делали вино. Один из этих сортов называется Каменец (производное от Каменец-Подольского). Славится этот сорт тем, что из него можно производить как сухие так и десертные вина, и он почти не чувствителен к морозам и болезням. Кроме того особенностью этого сорта является уязвимость к благородной гнили, что позволяет производить вина в токайском стиле. Moving further south along the Dniester to the Mohyliv-Podilsky district, we can meet several more local grape varieties. And although these varieties are considered traditionally Moldovan, there is no doubt that they grew on both banks of the Dniester and not only on its Moldavian right bank. Ukrainian winemaking traditions are as old as the world. Although these traditions and technologies have survived many periods of decline, such as the Turkish rule in Podillya and other regions of Ukraine, or the Soviet era, when unique vineyards were destroyed in the mid-80s. Now the traditions of winemaking are being restored. Ukrainian wine-making and viticulture, regardless of complex social realities, is taking leaps and bounds through the thorns to the stars. New wines are emerging