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вине производители домаине кгарлес спарр крепост 12 5
As is known, the table of King Lev Danylovych was already served wine, which was made from grapes that grew around Lviv. His wife was the Hungarian princess Constantia, so we can assume that she joined the culture of winemaking in the vicinity of Lviv. Over time, Lviv grew as a cultural and political center, and with it, its vineyards. Thus, vineyards grew on the slopes of the High Castle, in Lychakov, Kulparkov, and above all in Vynnyky. In 1785, the German colony of Weinbergen, which translates as Wine Mountains, was founded near Vinniki. German colonists, having settled near Lviv, began to engage in viticulture. The main grape variety they cultivated was Rhine Riesling, brought by them from their homeland. Moving a bit to the southeast, to Podillia, which is adjacent to Halychyna, you can find an even greater variety of local grape varieties. Only in one Zalishchytskyi district, in the interwar period, were seven autochthonous grape varieties from which wine was made. One of these varieties is called Kamianets (derived from Kamianets-Podilskyi). This variety is famous for the fact that both dry and dessert wines can be made from it, and it is almost insensitive to frost and diseases. In addition, the peculiarity of this variety is its vulnerability to noble rot, which makes it possible to make wines in the Tokai style. В целом, структурная перестройка виноградарства Украины в перспективе требует реконструкции и частичной перезакладки насаждений столовых, ценных технических, красных и аборигенных сортов. Следует разработать и внедрить механизм снижения внепроизводственных затрат, элементами которых должны стать углубление интеграции производителей винограда, виноматериалов, готовой продукции и торговли.