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вине производители ж гауллер филс вкус окруджлии квет белое
Moving a bit to the southeast, to Podillia, which is adjacent to Halychyna, you can find an even greater variety of local grape varieties. Only in one Zalishchytskyi district, in the interwar period, were seven autochthonous grape varieties from which wine was made. One of these varieties is called Kamianets (derived from Kamianets-Podilskyi). This variety is famous for the fact that both dry and dessert wines can be made from it, and it is almost insensitive to frost and diseases. In addition, the peculiarity of this variety is its vulnerability to noble rot, which makes it possible to make wines in the Tokai style. And this grape, which is important, was not imported by the Romans or Greeks, as in France or Germany. He was local and not wild but civilized. There is a wealth of archaeological and historical evidence for why. What's more, even before the Thracians, the people of Tripil knew how to make wine, and they, as is known, lived between the 5th and 3rd millennium BC. on the territory of modern Ukraine. So we are not Georgians, whose history of winemaking is about 8,000 years old. But we can say that when the ancestors of modern Germans or Frenchmen ran around the village with sticks to catch wild boar for dinner, our ancestors were already drinking wine in whitewashed houses. Which is very important. Because where there is a vineyard there is culture, there is no place for barbarism. Осенью 1844 г. в г. Одесса было создано Главное училище садоводства, учебный план которого предусматривал изучение садоводства, виноградарства и виноделия. В 1859 году училище было переведено в Умань. По предложению училища было узаконено производство вина из плодов и ягод. Чтобы получить сусло подобно виноградному, высоко кислый сок разбавляли водой до нормальной кислотности. Следует заметить, что плодово-ягодное виноделие Украины берет свое начало из Умани. В начале ХХ ст. в Уманском училище садоводства преподавали специальный курс «Переработка плодов и ягод в вино». Учебное хозяйство училища производило несколько сортов вина, которое пользовалось большим спросом. Выпускники Уманского училища по месту работы применяли рецептуры вин.