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Moving further south along the Dniester to the Mohyliv-Podilsky district, we can meet several more local grape varieties. And although these varieties are considered traditionally Moldovan, there is no doubt that they grew on both banks of the Dniester and not only on its Moldavian right bank. Ukrainian winemaking traditions are as old as the world. Although these traditions and technologies have survived many periods of decline, such as the Turkish rule in Podillya and other regions of Ukraine, or the Soviet era, when unique vineyards were destroyed in the mid-80s. Now the traditions of winemaking are being restored. Ukrainian wine-making and viticulture, regardless of complex social realities, is taking leaps and bounds through the thorns to the stars. New wines are emerging В 1804 году было основано Судакское училище, а в 1812 году Никитский ботанический сад, с которым связано развитие виноградарства и виноделия на Украине. При Никитском ботаническом саду было организовано виноградно-производственное обучающее и опытно-показательное хозяйство «Магарач», на базе которого создан Институт винограда и вина. В Херсонской губернии в конце XIX века князем Трубецким было заложено 200 десятин виноградных насаждений в своем имении в селе Казацкое. В то время также были созданы несколько крупных виноградно-винодельческих хозяйств под Одессой и Николаевом. В г. Одесса в 1905 году на общественные средства В.Е. Таировым была организована винодельческая станция (ныне институт виноградарства и виноделия им. В.Е. Таирова). And this grape, which is important, was not imported by the Romans or Greeks, as in France or Germany. He was local and not wild but civilized. There is a wealth of archaeological and historical evidence for why. What's more, even before the Thracians, the people of Tripil knew how to make wine, and they, as is known, lived between the 5th and 3rd millennium BC. on the territory of modern Ukraine. So we are not Georgians, whose history of winemaking is about 8,000 years old. But we can say that when the ancestors of modern Germans or Frenchmen ran around the village with sticks to catch wild boar for dinner, our ancestors were already drinking wine in whitewashed houses. Which is very important. Because where there is a vineyard there is culture, there is no place for barbarism.