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As is known, the table of King Lev Danylovych was already served wine, which was made from grapes that grew around Lviv. His wife was the Hungarian princess Constantia, so we can assume that she joined the culture of winemaking in the vicinity of Lviv. Over time, Lviv grew as a cultural and political center, and with it, its vineyards. Thus, vineyards grew on the slopes of the High Castle, in Lychakov, Kulparkov, and above all in Vynnyky. In 1785, the German colony of Weinbergen, which translates as Wine Mountains, was founded near Vinniki. German colonists, having settled near Lviv, began to engage in viticulture. The main grape variety they cultivated was Rhine Riesling, brought by them from their homeland. Переместившись на юго-восток, в соседнее с Галицией Подолье, можно встретить еще большее разнообразие местных сортов винограда. Только в одном Залещицком районе, в межвоенный период, было описано АЖ семь автохтонных сортов винограда, из которых делали вино. Один из этих сортов называется Каменец (производное от Каменец-Подольского). Славится этот сорт тем, что из него можно производить как сухие так и десертные вина, и он почти не чувствителен к морозам и болезням. Кроме того особенностью этого сорта является уязвимость к благородной гнили, что позволяет производить вина в токайском стиле. In the autumn of 1844, the Main School of Horticulture was established in Odessa, the curriculum of which provided for the study of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking. In 1859 the school was transferred to Uman. At the suggestion of the school, the production of wine from fruits and berries was legalized. To obtain a must similar to grape must, the highly acidic juice was diluted with water to normal acidity. It should be noted that fruit and berry winemaking in Ukraine originates from Uman. At the beginning of the XX century. in the Uman School of Horticulture, a special course was taught "Processing fruits and berries into wine." The educational farm of the school produced several varieties of wine, which were in great demand. Graduates of the Uman School used the recipes of wines at their place of work.