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вине вкус свежии реджион кианти
Currently, Ukraine has acquired world significance in the field of winemaking. Ukrainian winemakers receive gold and silver awards, diplomas of international exhibitions. But, unfortunately, in recent years in Ukraine there has been a tendency to reduce the area of vine plantations and the deterioration of their quality. Площадь украинских виноградников в 4000 раз больше шведских и всего в 7 раз меньше французских. У викингов гектаров 30, да так 30га. У нас же около 120 000 гектаров. Обратим внимание хотя бы название города Винники или соседней с городком немецкой колонии Вайнберген (Винные горы), что уже намекает нам на определенную историческую и культурную традицию выращивания винограда в этих краях. There is an expression in the Book of Genesis: "The grape is the tree of life." The first mention of the cultivation of grapes on the territory of Ukraine refers to the period VII-IV Art. BC Viticulture and winemaking developed around the ancient cities of Chersonese, Antikapeia, Tiritaki, Olbia in the territory of modern Nikolayevshchina. During the period of Kievan Rus, it is mentioned (Nikon's Chronicle of 1151) "Berendei and black hoods of the volost and poskosha grapes". Literary sources of the 6th century tell about the successful cultivation of grapes in the monastery gardens of Kyiv. In 1735, new vineyards were planted in Kyiv on the slopes of the Dnieper, and in 1758 - next to the Klovsky Palace, where in a few years there were about 30,000 bushes.